Spent the entire Saturday last weekend at IKEA Tampines shopping by myself (the bf got his knickers in a twist at lunch and stomped off -that's a story for another day- but pffft, who needs men!?). This trip was mostly to get wall fixtures initially - towel rack, kitchen hangers, curtain rods etc and I thought I could bring it home by myself in a cab but I actually got told off by the cabbie when I tried to board cuz my rods were too long (2.1m in length) and they couldn't fit.
Uncle: It's too long! Cannot fit across the back seat!
Uncle: It's too long! Cannot fit across the back seat!
Me: Ohh. How about we put it between the front seats so it goes across from the front to the back?
Uncle: No no no! What if it goes thru the glass behind my back seat!?
Me: ...
Uncle: Or later the rod whack me in the face how!? Who's going to be responsible!?
Me: ..........
Uncle: Cannot cannot cannot! I cannot take you! You go find those 9-seater cab!
All these complete with agitated hand gestures. Not sure what I owed him previously. :P Oh well, after that episode, I decided to go back upstairs to arrange for delivery rather than to waste time trying and risk getting blistered by yet another angry you-owe-me-money-in-your-past-life cabbie.
Some of the things I bought in the 1st round:
After queueing a good 30-45 minutes to arrange for my stuff to be delivered and then finding out that (besides having to pay a good $55 to send those few miserable items) I had to hand carry the smaller pieces home cuz the delivery guys were afraid they might lose them, I figured I might as well check if I can add more items to my delivery order should I buy more. It actually costs $5 per add-on item after you've made arrangements, but I appealed to the kind lady handling my order by telling her how the cab driver didn't want to take me and I really only had a few items, so she took pity on me and told me they will let me do it as long as it was by that night. YES! Back into IKEA I went...
More things I ended up with in the 2nd round:
Also wanted this mirror but it was out of stock when I got to the aisle. Added to my shopping list for the next IKEA trip!
Sunday saw me joining the ranks of the 月光族 handing over the final cheque to the ID...
Monday had me rushing Bailey to the vet cuz she's not well again... She was hiding under our bed the entire Sunday and looking giddy on Monday morning. Her historical imbalance problem seems to be back. :( Dr Heng prescribed daily painkillers and nerve support supps. Not sure if that's going to help much... Will be getting a second opinion from Dr Geetha next Monday at Cat Clinic.
Wednesday was me looking for that industrial sealant at Selfix Jurong Point for my shoji door tracks in vain - they only had the rubbery finish type. Also found out that I can't vote in the area where our new place is at (gotta register with your latest address by Feb 2015) so I guess I'll just continue to vote at my parents' area, boo~
Today scored me a good deal off someone from Carousell. Bought and picked up a used (1 month+ old) 49" LG UHD TV. The size seems a bit much for my tiny living room and it was $200 past my original budget for a TV, but it was too sweet an offer at $1K with almost 5 years warranty so I ran with it. Looking forward to my couch potato days! :D
Tomorrow is family dinner.
Saturday is windows-cleaning + mattress delivery.
Sunday is painting touch-ups (postponed from tomorrow) + IKEA delivery...
Busy busy week!